Stand with LGBTQ+ young people by donating to Think2Speak

Why should you donate to Think2Speak?

It’s simple. We may be small, but we are mighty, and we need your help to make sure that we can continue to provide the mighty support that LGBTQ+ young people and their families need and deserve.

We know our work makes a huge difference; it saves lives, strengthen families and empowers individuals. Be a part of that.

We are so grateful to you for helping us to help LGBTQ+ young people feel seen, feel heard, feel safer. If you could manage to make a regular donation, that will help us plan and ensure that our mighty services continue into the future.

And please leave us a message, let us know why you donated. We love receiving these messages; they are a ray of light for our small team of staff and volunteers.

We make a difference because you help us to do so.